Act on Specified Commercial Transactions
- Sales Price
The selling price will be the displayed amount (displayed price/consumption tax included). Shipping costs will be charged separately.
Delivery is via La poste from within France. Currently Japan Post from Japan.
The prices are listed below.
- How to place an order
Your order will be confirmed when you receive a confirmation email from us.
If you do not receive an order confirmation email within 3 days of placing your order, please contact us.
Please contact us. If you are a minor, you will need the consent of a parent or guardian. Please note that prices are subject to change without notice.
- Payment
PayPal / Square
We do not know the credit card information of PayPal / Square that you have registered in advance.
If you wish to pay by bank transfer, please contact our customer support by e-mail.
- Returns and Exchanges
We do not accept returns or refunds unless the product is defective.
If the product is defective or damaged due to transportation problems, we will not accept returns.
In this case, we will replace the item with the same item at our expense. If you wish to exchange or return the product in the above cases, please be sure to contact us within 5 days of receiving the product. We will accept returns only if the product is returned within 10 days of arrival and is unused.
If a replacement product is not available due to availability, please select a product of the same value from our other sales products.
Returns will not be accepted if any of the following apply
If you have not contacted our customer support within 5 days of receiving your ordered product.
If you do not return the ordered product and its package to the designated shipping address within 10 days of receipt.
The product does not come with all of its accessories.
If wrapping materials are missing or misplaced
If the product has already been worn or tried on (wrinkles, stains, scratches, stains, odors, etc.)
If the item is returned by regular mail or postage paid
If the value of the product is significantly lost due to lack of care when returning it (we will send it back to you with postage paid).
The following conditions apply to size exchanges.
If you wish to exchange the size of the product, please contact our customer support within 5 days of receiving the product.
We will only accept exchanges if the item is returned within 10 days of receipt and is unused.
The customer will be responsible for the return shipping costs for size exchange.
exchange is limited to one time per order.
Shorts are not eligible for exchange.
If we are unable to provide an exchange item for the same item, please select an item of equal value as the exchange item.
- Product Delivery
Items that do not have a delivery date on the product page will be shipped the following Monday.
Other items, such as pre-order items, will be shipped on a different date.
Please refer to the product details for details.
Delivery is via EMS from within Japan.
Prices are listed below.
We also accept UPS for delivery outside of EMS
Please contact us for more information.
Please note that the customer will be responsible for any customs fees in any case.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
If you have any questions, comments or requests regarding SŒUR tokyo products or other services you have purchased, please contact us.
SŒUR tokyo
Business hours: Monday-Wednesday 11:00-17:00 Tokyo time (except national holidays and year-end and New Year holidays)
(except national holidays and year-end and New Year holidays)
E-mail address: soeur.tokyo@gmail.com
Name and contact details of the business
Representative: SAKURA K
Contact : soeur.tokyo@gmail.com
- 販売価格
販売価格は、表示された金額(表示価格/消費税込)と致します。 又、配送料は別途にかかります。
配送はフランス国内からは、La poste / 日本国内からは日本郵便での配送となります。
価格は- 商品の配送について を参照ください。
- 関税について
- ご注文方法
- お支払い
・PayPal / Square
事前に登録された PayPal / Square のクレジットカード情報等を当社が知ることはありません。
なお銀行振込をご希望の場合は Contact にてお問い合わせください。
- 返品・交換
商品に欠陥がある場合を除き、返品 返金はお受けしておりません。
1. サイズ交換をご希望のお客様は、カスタマーサポートへ商品到着から5日以内に必ずご連絡ください。
2. 商品の到着後10日以内に返送され、かつ未使用の場合に限り交換を承ります。
3. サイズ交換に際しての送料は往復ともにお客様のご負担とさせていただきます。
4. 商品の交換は1回のご注文につき1回きりとさせていただきます。
5. ショーツは交換対象外となります。
6. 同一商品にて交換品のご用意ができない場合は、同額商品より交換品としてお選びください。
- 商品の配送について -
- 配送方法 / 配送料
EMS 以外の配送をご希望される場合は、UPS での配送を承っております。
ご希望の方は Contact にてお問い合わせください。
又、関税につきましては EMS、UPS 共にお客様負担となりますのでご了承ください。
- 当ウェブサイトのプライバシーポリシーをご確認ください。
ご購入いただいた SŒUR tokyo の製品やその他サービスに関するご質問、ご意見・ご要望は Contact からお問い合わせください。
SŒUR tokyo
営業日時間:月-水 11:00-17:00 東京時間